^ < integrated steelworks Lucchini Piombino

Industrial Photography Archive

contact photographer  contact me   hfinster@gmx.de

Lucchini steelworks
Lucchini steelworks
Lucchini steelworks: no 4 blast furnace
Lucchini steelworks: no 4 blast furnace
Lucchini steelworks: water tower
Lucchini steelworks: water tower
Lucchini steelworks: sintering plant
Lucchini steelworks: sintering plant
Lucchini steelworks: piston type gas holder
Lucchini steelworks: piston type gas holder
Lucchini steelworks: piston type gas holder
Lucchini steelworks: piston type gas holder
slag dump
slag dump

I took these photographs in spite of considerable unlawful hindrance by so called security-personnel of the Lucchini company and the local police authorities (Carabinieri). Freedom of the press does not seem to be granted in Italy.

©   Harald Finster, Gulpener Str. 26, 52074 Aachen, Germany   industrial photography
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