^ industry in the Rur valley
The Rur area - the little brother of the Ruhr area

Industrial Photography Archive
Industrial Landscapes

contact photographer  contact me   hfinster@gmx.de

hydroelectric power plant at Heimbach Hasenfeld
hydroelectric power plant at Heimbach Hasenfeld
textile mill
textile mill
textile mill 'Rheinische Wollwerke'
textile mill 'Rheinische Wollwerke'
Niederauer Mühle paper mill
Niederauer Mühle paper mill
Hoesch Metall + Kunststoff GmbH
Hoesch Metall + Kunststoff GmbH
Hoesch Metall + Kunststoff GmbH
Hoesch Metall + Kunststoff GmbH
water tower
water tower
water tower
water tower
Frohwein und Kaplan
Frohwein und Kaplan
Becker & Funck
Becker & Funck
Becker & Funck
Becker & Funck
Becker & Funck
Becker & Funck
Becker & Funck: steam engine
Becker & Funck: steam engine

©   Harald Finster, Gulpener Str. 26, 52074 Aachen, Germany   industrial photography
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