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Frequently Asked Questions about 'StahlArt'

  contact me   hfinster@gmx.de

What caused your interest in industrial photography?

I am fascinated by old industrial installations since my early childhood, when I travelled by train with my parents and passed the steel mill at Hagen Haspe, where I could watch the tapping of the blast furnaces. Industry has been part of my everyday life. One day, I noticed, that this world began to change rapidly and was in danger to disappear. I started photographic documentation.

Do you consider your industrial photographs as art or as documentation?

Both! Photographic documentation was the initial goal of my work. I intended to preserve vanishing industrial architecture in images. It turned out, however, that randomly shot pictures did not meet the requirements of my goal, and that even documentary photographs require a formal design, which is always the result of subjective decisions, from the selection of the object, the incorporation of spacial context, design of illumination and perspective to the form of presentation. Although my intention now exceeds 'pure' documentation (which is - strictly speaking - impossible), my design always focuses on the photographed object. I refuse the abuse of industrial installations as vehicles for pseudo-intellectual (want-to-be-artistic) work as inacceptable.

Is it dangerous to take photographs in industrial ruins?

Setting foot on abandoned places is not without risk and requires experience, circumspection and a vigilant eye. Each step should be considered carefully, and a rusted through floor plate might be hidden under dust or overgrown with moss. However, as long as "Free Driving for Free Citizens" remains the top maxim of the idiot's lobby, I consider taking part in road traffic as much more dangerous.

You also show photographs of active plants. Did you get permission for that?

While most of the large companies arrogantly reject or ignore my inquiries, small and medium sized firms usually generously give permission to photograph their installations. I am especially grateful to the following companies: DK-Recycling, Usines Gustave Boël, Forges de Clabecq, National Coal Board (South Wales), Rheinbraun (Brikettfabrik Wachtberg), DSK (Kokerei Kaiserstuhl), USINOR (Cockerill Sambre Charleroi), Weirton Steel (WV), Saarstahl AG (Völklingen) and many owners of small anthracite mines in Pennsylvania.

What kind of camera do you use?

I use a Hasselblad 2000 FC/M with lenses from 40 to 350 mm (plus 2x extender) for moving objects and whenever I have to work under deadline pressure. Whenever possible, I use a large format camera 'Linhof Technikardan S' with lenses in the range from 38 to 400 mm. On the one hand this camera is extremely compact and lightweight, on the other hand it offers all movements of a full featured studio camera, which are required for uncompromising architectural photography. I use sheet film (4x5 inch) and roll-film as well.

Are your photographs available as a book?

Not yet, sorry. I am still looking for sponsors :-)

When and where do you show your photographs?

The audio-vision 'StahlArt' is available on request. The show consists of 350 medium-format slides with original sound.

I also present my photographs in the course of exhibitions. Several exhibitions are planned for 2003.

Are your photographs for sale?

Yes! Please refer to the table below for prices for prints. The prices are for private use only. You may not publish the photographs or make commercial use of them.

size (cm x cm) price (Euro)
B&W (RC) B&W (FB) colour (Ilfochrome)
20 x 20 50 100 100
40 x 40 60 120 120
60 x 60 90 180 180
100 x 100 200 400 on request

©   Harald Finster, Aachen, Germany   industrial photography
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