2.1.    Belgium

Belgium used to own numerous of the most beautiful and fascinating mine buildings. Many of them are gone by now, at least preserved in the following photographs.

2.1.1.    Monceau Fontaine No 4

Monceau Fontaine No 4 located at the Rue de Marchienne has been closed decades ago and then left to die slowly.

2.1.2.    Monceau Fontaine No 18

The 'Rue des Réunis', once a public road in the heart of Charleroi, used to be one of the most fascinating places I have ever seen. When I made the following shots, the 'sherriffs' of Cockerill Sambre, the former owner of the site, tried to confiscate my films. Well, they got an unexposed 'spare film'. Thus the beauty of this lost place is preserved at least in images. Today the road is fenced off and all buildings are gone.

2.1.3.    Monceau Fontaine No 19

The beautiful buildings of 'Monceau Fontaine No 19', once located at the river Sambre, were demolished just a few years after I had taken the following photographs.

2.1.4.    Bois du Cazier

This is the only of the once numerous coal mines in Charleroi, which is almost completely preserved. Unfortunately more than 200 men had to die in a diseaster to make the mine appear valuable enough to keep it as a monument.

2.1.5.    Coke Plant Cockerill Sambre, Charleroi

The coke plant of the Cockerill Sambre steel mill, one of the few industrial installations in Charleroi, which are still active, produces coke for Charleroi's last working blast furnace.

2.1.6.    Cokeries d'Anderlues

Though the tiny 'Cokeries d'Anderlues' look like a relict from the 19th century, they do still produce coke, mainly used for foundries.

2.1.7.    Worker's Settlement, Charleroi

Once constructed in order to bind the workers closer to 'their' mine, the old buildings house mostly pensioners or unemployed people today.

2.1.8.    Siège André Dumont, Genk Waterschei

This is one of the mines located in the Campine area in the north of Belgium. At least some of the buildings will be preserved.

2.1.9.    Charbonnage Cheratte Hasard

2.1.10.    Coke Plant 'Carcoke',Zeebrugge

I can still remember the white clouds above this coke plant located at the canal Zeebrugge - Brugge. Now the plant is waiting for it's demolition.

2.1.11.    Lavoir Triage Péronnes

2.1.12.    Coke Plant 'Carcoke', Mons Tertre

One of the most complex and impressing plants. You can spend weeks and months there and discover millions of images...

©     Harald Finster, contact me